The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

This Game not on Android your maybe open onilne no download ok now info:

open game in about keywords Use game 

1. you buy lt arrived mouse The charger that arrived is the same as yours lt is possible to buy it in Store and deliver it to the phone whose screen has been moved The one that is specific to The game 

2.  You are purchasing keywords pc delivered in arrived well.

Now looks abouts send comment


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well on unity 

coming in year: time:

coming in year: time:

well in Srcatch in unity select 


Sorry try link well wait...

november 28 13:00am

android pls

pls november 22 pls

ok wait day ok me try code android okay 😁


İ can wait 5 days until november 12

ok 13 November 

do android version for me pls 

ok wait 5 days in unity me work give ok 

on november 12th pls

@xcreates link:?



Sorry try download

It says the developer has not uploaded a game yet?

Me android me friend xTPSx me send download game on Android ok


Well you name